Price 3,99 €
Delicious wild blueberry (bilberry) flavoured xylitol pastilles in convenient resealable 100 g pouches. They are easy to bring with you to work, school, or wherever you want to take care of your oral health. Pastilles contain xylitol and calcium phosphate to strengthen the enamel of your teeth and to reduce acid attacks in the mouth that cause cavities. Even one xylitol pastille after a meal or a snack is enough to stop an acid attack and help you take care of your teeth. We offer a wide selection of wonderful flavours to ensure that everyone will find their favourite ones. Our pastilles are sugar free since the only sweetener used is xylitol, which means they make a great low-calorie alternative to sugary sweets.
Wild blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) i.e. bilberry full xylitol pastilles taste like a Finnish forest and have a sweet flavour of our beloved berry. The taste is mild but sweet, which makes it suitable for adults and children. The wild blueberry is a very delicious and sweet berry from the forests of Finland. The wild blueberry is a shrub reaching approx. 30 cm in height. In Finland, blueberries are picked from July to August. Blueberries may colour your mouth and tongue purple/black. This is because the blueberry contains some anthocyanins (blue flavonoids), which will attach to the mouth.
The product belongs to the following bundles:
How to use: Suck on 1 to 2 xylitol lozenges after every meal. The recommended dose is 6 pastilles per day. Excessive consumption can cause laxative effects. Must be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Best before is approx. 24 months from the order date.
Ingredients: Xylitol 88 %-wt. (carboxymethylcellulose), bilberry juice powder, tricalciumphosphate, calciumcarbonate, magnesium stearate.
Ravintoarvo / Näringsvärde / Nährwertdeklaration / Nutrition information per 100 g
Energia / Energi / Energie / Energy 1010 kJ / 242 kcal,
Rasva / Fett / Fett / Fat 1.5 g,
josta tyydyttyneitä rasvahappoja / varav mättat fett / davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / of which Saturates 1.5 g,
Hiilihydraatit / Kolhydrat / Kohlenhydrate / Carbohydrates 88 g,
josta Sokereita / varav Sockerarter / davon Zucker / of which Sugar 0 g
Proteiini / Protein / Eiweiß / Protein 0 g
Suola / Salt / Salz / Salt 0 g
Wilde Blaubeeren (Heidelbeeren) Full Xylitol Pastillen schmecken nach einem finnischen Wald und sind ein süßer Geschmack einer beliebten Beere. Diesen Geschmack werden Sie absolut lieben!
Vild blåbär Full Xylitol pastiller smakar en finsk skog och är en söt smak av ett populärt bär. Denna smak kommer du absolut att älska!
Les pastilles Full Xylitol aux bleuets sauvages (myrtille) ont le goût d'une forêt finlandaise et sont une saveur sucrée d'une baie populaire. Ce goût que vous allez adorer!