Narskuttelu Oy

Showing products 1-40 / 56

Xylitol pastille with natural coffee flavour
Raspberry xylitol lozenges
Liquorice xylitol lozenges from Finland
Pear xylitol pastilles from Finland
Chili-Liquorice xylitol lozenges are hot
100 % Xylitol powder can be used as regular sugar! Xylitol is as sweet as regular sugar.
Apple xylitol pastilles are popular in Finland
Xylitol lozenges with cola flavour
Xylitol lozenges with your brand
Four-color custom logo printing on your sugar-free candy bags.
All the flavour options are packed in small bags containing  3 - 5 pastilles in each bag. Great option to test all product options.
Spruce Sprout Chewing Gum 25 pcs
Xylitol lozenges in 1 kg resealable bags.
Pahapajari pastillirasiat kolmella eri makuvaihtoehdolla
A gift for dad

A gift for dad

3,90 €
Chaga extract chewing gum 25 pcs
There are over 20 different flavor options

Xylitol lollipop 1 pcs

From 1,15
Cola chewing gum is packed in a silver metal tin with thread lid.
Fruity lemon xylitol lozenge is an essential for lemon lovers
A unique combination of smoky and whiskey flavors

Tuotepaketit - Bundles

wild berries

wild berries

13,94 € 15,96 €
Salty liquorice xylitol pastilles 100 g

All of salty liquorice

9,95 € 13,59 €
20 different xylitol flavors

20 different xylitol flavors

70,00 € 79,80 €
Adult choice

Adult choice

13,94 € 15,96 €
Kids choice

Kids choice

13,94 € 15,96 € is owned by a Finnish company Narskuttelu Oy (VAT FI2686964). The company has been found 2017. Since then the company has manufactured xylitol pastilles, lollipops, chewing gum and xylitol-birch-sap toothpaste. 

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