A unique combination of smoky and whiskey flavors

A unique combination of smoky and whiskey flavors

  • A unique combination of smoky and whiskey flavors
  • Metal tin can for a smoke & whisky xylitol pastilles
  • The size of metal tin can compared with xylitolpastille size
  • This mark recognises that the product has been manufactured and produced, in Finland.

Smoke & Whisky pastille jar 25 g

Product category: Product brand: Narskuttelu Oy

Price 3,10 €

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A NEW Smoke&Whisky xylitol pastille (lozenge) for a mature palate. Packed into a stylish metal can with screw lid, which fits conveniently into a pocket or handbag. Therefore it is easy to carry with you to work or school, or wherever you want to take care of your oral health. The first taste creates a strong smoke flavour and the aftertaste is whiskey cream that leaves a lingering warm sensation in your mouth for a long time. Please note that the product does not contain any alcohol! Leaves a pleasant slightly toffee-like taste in your mouth. 

Pastilles contain xylitol and calcium phosphate to strengthen the enamel of your teeth and to reduce acid attacks in the mouth that cause cavities. Even one xylitol pastille after a meal or a snack is enough to stop an acid attack and help you take care of your teeth. We offer a wide selection of wonderful flavours to ensure that everyone will find their favourite ones. Our pastilles are sugar free, since the only sweetener used is xylitol, which means they make a great low-calorie alternative to sugary sweets.

  • One pastille contains 800 mg of xylitol and 24 mg of calcium phosphate.
  • Pastilles contain calcium phosphate to improve tooth re-mineralization
  • Vegan, gluten free, soy free, kosher, lactose free, dairy free
  • Xylitol also increases salivation, which helps to hydrate a dry mouth
  • A good alternative to regular sugary sweets
  • The recommended daily amount of xylitol, i.e. 5 grams, you will get from six pastilles
  • Our pastilles have a Made in Finland certification
  • Price per kilogram: 124 euro

The recommended dose is 6 pastilles a day. Excessive use of xylitol can have a laxative effect. Store in a dry place at room temperature. Airtight packaging is recommended. The scent of the product may be strong.

Ingredients: Sweetener xylitol (88%), carboxymethylcellulose, calcium phosphate, magnesium stearate, smoke flavour, whiskey flavour, flavours.

Nutrition information per 100 g

Ravintoarvo / Näringsvärde / Nährwertdeklaration / Nutrition information per 100 g
Energia / Energi / Energie / Energy 1010 kJ / 242 kcal,
Rasva / Fett / Fett / Fat 1.5 g,
josta tyydyttyneitä rasvahappoja / varav mättat fett / davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / of which Saturates 1.5 g,
Hiilihydraatit / Kolhydrat / Kohlenhydrate / Carbohydrates 92g,
josta Sokereita / varav Sockerarter / davon Zucker / of which Sugar 0 g
Proteiini / Protein / Eiweiß / Protein 0 g
Suola / Salt / Salz / Salt 0 g

Svenska - Deutsch - Français

Smoke & Whisky xylitol pastille (pastill) som smak för vuxna. Den första smaken ger en stark röksmak och eftersmaken är whiskykräm som värmer munnen länge. Produkten innehåller inte alkohol. Den slutliga smaken är något kola-liknande.

Smoke & Whisky Xylitol Pastille (Pastille) als Geschmack für Erwachsene. Der erste Geschmack gibt einen starken Rauchgeschmack und der Nachgeschmack ist Whiskycreme, die Ihren Mund für eine lange Zeit wärmt. Das Produkt enthält keinen Alkohol. Der endgültige Geschmack ist leicht toffeeartig.

Pastille au xylitol Smoke & Whisky (pastille) comme goût pour les adultes. Le premier goût donne une forte saveur de fumée et l'arrière-goût est une crème de whisky qui réchauffe la bouche pendant longtemps. Le produit ne contient pas d'alcool. Le goût final est légèrement caramel.

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