A tin can with your own name

A tin can with your own name

  • A tin can with your own name
  • Font options
  • This mark recognises that the product has been manufactured and produced, in Finland.

A tin can with your own name

Price 5,90 €

Now it's possible to order a pastille tin with your desired text for yourself, a friend, or a work group. The box contains 25 grams of xylitol pastilles with your chosen flavor option. Right now there is also a small batch of real strawberry flavoured pastilles available as an option! 

  • Write your desired name or text (max 10 characters) below, and this will be printed on the lid of the box.
  • You can choose from the following flavor options: salty licorice, smoke tar, strawberry, and real strawberry.
  • Three different font options. See the numbered models in the picture.
  1. Benjamin
  2. Maijaliisa
  3. Josefiina

The text can be a name or, for example, 'for a friend' / 'Happy 30th'. However, please note the character limit. Spaces and punctuation count as characters.

  • The tin can's color is silver, and the name will be printed on the lid in black text.
  • The text will be printed on a transparent sticker. 
  • Orders will be shipped within three business days of purchase. If you want the box to be sent directly to, for example, a friend, you can choose your friend's address as the delivery address.

Write the name of your choosing here (max. 10 characters)

Pick the font

Pick the flavour

Excessive consumption may have laxative effects. Store in a dry and room-temperature environment.

Vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, kosher, lactose-free, dairy-free.

From 6 pastilles you get 5 grams of xylitol.

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